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Welcome to Hit Stick Club


Winning a game of Madden is always fun, but if that is your only objective, then this might not be the league for you. We are very competitive with each other and that part is exciting, but we also value the social aspect of our league. Respect to other members of HSC isn't requested, it is mandatory.


Who Are We?


-We are a group of Madden players dedicated to playing simulation/real football.


-We have fun talking smack and bring energy to the league.


-We hold each other accountable to the set rules.


-We have fun!


What is Simulation Football in HSC?


Simulation football is different league to league. Simulation football in our league is as close to replicating the real NFL game as possible. That not only includes game play, but also things like season stats, player movement, play-calling, management of team, etc.





About HSC

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